Monthly Archives: February 2009

Guard Your Heart

When you choose to be in a relationship with someone, whether romantic or in friendship you choose and end up sacrificing some of your own protection, and you trust that the other person can, and will, protect you the way you need to be protected, through love, care, sacrifice, obedience, and mutual submission.

So why do we so often surround ourselves with people who have proven that they cannot protect us, or our best interests because they cannot, and/or already do not, do it for themselves or for the people currently in their lives?

I think its because we know that they are worthy of such love. we know how much we are loved and forgiven, and how much we are trusted again and again by the Lord and it compels us who have been forgiven much to try and forgive others just as much, so that they might experience that love and acceptance we have known from heaven, in a human relationship on earth…

and yet, we do this almost selfishly because what we want is then for that person to reciprocate that love and acceptance to us…

which is not a guarentee because you have already sacrificed that protection in order to be in that deep relationship and so you are vulnerable…

and even if it all turns out as it always does in movies, any moment of vulnerability is paralyzingly painful…

but for me, as a beleiver in Christ… it is both a terrible and lovely time, because it reminds me that I can only ever lean on Jesus and can trust that ONLY the Lord can love and protect me that way I need to be.

Only Christ can complete me.

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Filed under Thoughts on God, Thoughts on Grace, Thoughts on Heaven, Thoughts on Life, Thoughts on Sadness, Thoughts on the Gospel

todays thoughts…


– Im really happy with my new curling iron

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i hate this / the green comet

its 4am

i went out tonight after, possibly, our second to last talk, and i looked at the sky in hopes of seeing the green comet…

i saw it…

it was there…

right where i was told it would be…

but it wasn’t like the pictures…

it wasn’t clear…

it wasn’t dazzling or gleaming…

it wasn’t breath-taking…

it was just nice…

…and mostly it was just there…

…it was more of a let down than anything else…

…it was similar to this.

similar to all this, right now…

though i know the comet is fading out…

i just want, so bad, for it to be the brightest thing in this sky…

and i know that right now it cant be…

…so i know that it never will be…

…and, for now, that’s maybe because the brightest thing in this sky still needs to be the son.

so then i wonder…

if i know that the sun shines infinitely brighter in the day, why do i choose to stay in the sleepy-haze that follows the fanciful seeking of fleeting and fading comets in the night?

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Filed under Poetry, Thoughts on America, Thoughts on doing the Opposite of what is Right or Good, Thoughts on God, Thoughts on Life, Thoughts on Love, Thoughts on Nature, Thoughts on Priorities, Thoughts on Sadness

oh emily


the prince brought the Ladies Gilmore back to our 6th floor turret… so it in deed has been a good day.

i watched and episode called ’emily says hello’ and in the final scene emily gilmore breaks down and cries…

it was the first, truly broken and vulnerable exposé of her deeper character… it was lovely and terrible all at once.

she walked in with a happy face… closed the door and sobbed… an emptying sob…

its was just nice to see for some reason…

nice like crying in the rain – when no one can ear you – nice


i love pretty umbrellas and boots

but not spring

im thinking about this because i went to Gettysburg on the 5th and when i left there was like at least 3 feet of snow… when i came back there was no snow!  and it was cold and sad…

today though the snow came down all day… at first wet and yucky…

then large white fluffy ones

which made me happy

and i just looked out the window as im now heading to bed and there is white out my indow again… and it made me really happy

one of my favourite sights!

so with all that… i still somehow thought of umbrellas and boots… so cute, yes… but so not the time now… and im so thankful for that… at least for tonight.


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Filed under Thoughts on Gilmore Girls, Thoughts on Snow